Saturday, September 22, 2012


"Whatever the question is, Love is the answer."
That is a quote J brought home to me from his meeting tonight that I will remember forever.

Speaking of things I love...

This child had a load in his pants and thought it would be funny to sit all over Daddy's head.

He is his father's son.

And here is my family practicing planking.

What, you're family doesn't do things like this?  ;)

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Laying here on the couch with a belly full of roast beef and potatoes...along with some other things I will not mention.  I just thought, before I got swept away into my nightly routine of cleaning house, that I would do a quick update on  the family.

We've been busy, and I must tell you how much we ALL love school being back in session.. with extra emphasis on me,  because in all honesty...3 months of little girls fighting and trashing the house, and fighting, was 3 months too long for me.  It's a phase that I assume most siblings pass through.  They love to push eachother's buttons...copy what the other person says,  tattle, over dramatize...yell.  It really has been exhausting.  Now that we all have a little space we are getting along fabulously.

 Both girls couldn't be happier with their teachers.  Tia has a new bff to make crafts, cards and pictures for.  She got her first phone call from a friend the other night and spent the entire time giggling.  I don't even think they talked at all...just giggled.  She comes home every day with a little certificate that says she reached "Outstanding level" which is for extra good behavior and makes her mom very proud.

Hayley has joined a team called "Girls on the Run."  It's a program where the girls are given motivational lessons, and then are led in running games and challenges to get them ready for a 5k at the end of November. She really loves it, and it is a fantastic way to get her to expend all of that energy she has after school.  She has a blog...a new blog that she has been adding posts to about once a week.  I find her posts hilarious because they are so random, and so....her.  Check it out if you have a few extra seconds.  She is always checking for new comments and would LOVE it if she checked and actually found one! ;)

As for Ty, you've seen a little bit of his budding personality lately, through the videos.  His cheeks have my lips all over them all day long because I can't even resist.  He's starting to throw some non-words out there, so at least he's trying.  The word that he uses most often is "nam". So far It seems to be the word for  "Mom"  "I want some"  "Stop that"  "milk" ...and whatever else he has on his mind.  We've taught him a couple of words in sign language to help us decipher his baby code....but most of the time we just have to guess.

J is doing great.  I keep looking over at him...his long body all squished on the little love seat, while I'm sprawled out on the long couch with room to spare.  Haha.  That is pretty much the story of our marriage.  He is giving and loving, selfless, and sacrificing.  He is my life coach, my sounding shrink.
My arm candy ;)
His work is going well, still.  No new developments to report.

I've been spending my time lately trying to figure out what it is that lights my fire.   What excites me enough to put my time and effort toward.  My mind changes with the wind.  One day I have an amAZING idea that I tell J all about when he gets home from work....and then by breakfast the next morning I tell him I'm over it.  On to the next.  It has been like this for weeks.  I think he secretly thinks I'm crazy...but he just puts on his supportive smile and is all on board with whatever I come up with.   I secretly think I'm going crazy too, for the record.
When I figure myself out, I'll let you know.

Life is good.  We feel blessed and grateful.

Here are a couple of videos that I posted way back when, that I ran into last night.  Had to repost.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

He may be a little crazy.

But he's OUR little crazy. ;)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012