Every time I go to take another picture on my phone, the "Memory Full" signal flashes. I figured it was finally time to unload and make room for more.
This is my baby girl holding someone else's baby girl. :)
We visited Jordan's sister and family this summer and got in lots of cuddling time with their little angel.
Dairy farm in Ohio!
I think Jordan held her the most out of anyone. He's a sucker for little girls.
My cute girls on their First Day of School! Again. And just so we're clear, those yellow grocery sacks are NOT their lunch boxes. We can be ghetto at times...but not usually on the first day of school.
Ty and "Faffew" (Matthew) his best bud.
At Smith Playground in Philadelphia. Such a fun place for kids...
and for me. I couldn't resist playing with all of it too!
Tia "Reading to the Dogs" at the library. This dog isn't even trying to act interested.
One of Tia's Science Club creations: The Matter Monster
These two showed up at church with the same shirt one day.
2 of the cutest boys I've ever seen right here.
We went with a pirate theme this year for Halloween. We didn't get a single picture of J and I, but we were pirates too! Arrr.
I ran alongside Hayley for her second Girls on the Run 5k. She was such a fun running partner. I loved every second of it.
Hayley and one of her favorite pals.
Remember how I mentioned that we can be ghetto at times? This is Ty at a rest stop in West Virginia. With no pants on.
Why no pants? I honestly don't know. I need to go ask Jordan about this one.
While in Ohio we went to King's Island theme park. This was Ty's first ride, and it scared the poor little boy to death. He covered his face like this, and cried the whole time.
This is Everett, one of the guitarists for a local cover band that we love. I saw him playing at a park with his little girl one day, and selfishly cornered him for a picture. He was really sweet to oblige. Check out Ty's face. "Who the H is this guy?"
Summer pool time...with his slushie.
A shot with my tennis/workout buddy, who has long since moved away. Sadly.
A fun night out with my girls.
Hayley and her friend doing push ups at a playground.
This was just after Hayley made me show her friend my muscles, and then said,
"If there were any bad guys, my mom could protect us, if you know what I'm sayin."
Longwood Gardens. So beautiful.
On Santas's lap at the 'Christmas House.'
We are so excited for Christmas this year.
More to come soon. And I owe you an update on this baby!