Monday, November 24, 2014

Fall Y'all.

I was going to title this post "More Pictures" but decided to do something a little more catchy this time.  Don't be fooled though.  This post has absolutely nothing to do with the fall.

Here's Ty in the hot seat.  I was expecting tears at his first dentist appt, but it turned out to be no big deal. Plus he got his own toof paste and 'ploss'. 

While we were waiting at the doctor's office today, I told Hayley to make the face she makes when she's thinking about Jake (her current crush). 
Nailed it.  haha.

Goggles, short shorts and mismatched socks.  Can someone please find this kid's mother?

  I love watching babies when they are concentrating sooo hard on something, and are oblivious to everything else that's going on.  This was taken at her check up.  She was intent on desTROYing the paper she was sitting on. 

Baby G and her first taste of peaches.  Loved it. 

We don't mess around when it comes to frozen yogurt.
'specially J.

My handsome little man.

He tooted in this one.
Not lovin' where I'm sitting right there.

Costco and delicious.  We finally caved and got ourselves a membership. 
Finally one of the cool kids.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I'm in charge of Thanksgiving dinner this year...heaven help us all.