Thursday, June 30, 2011

Night out with the little lady

It's been a while since Hayley and I have had a chance to spend one on one time together, so I invited her on a Mommy-Daughter date for this evening. I left it wide open for her to choose anything she wanted to do. Anything at all.
During her quiet time she did some brainstorming, and this is the list of possible date options she came up with.

1. Chick-fil-A
2. McDonalds
3. Wendy's

Things to do
Play Tennis
Eat a lot 'o' food

Plasas (places)
1. Chuck e Cheese
2. Target (???)
3. Forwood Elementary

Here I was prepared to fork out the big bucks, and she wanted to go to her elementary school?
Crack me up.

We ended up going to McDonalds for dinner, and getting Rita's custard for dessert.
Then as a surprise, I took her to a fun little store where everything is $5.00 or less, and told her she could pick ANY one thing in the store. She squealed with delight. (How long do you think I'll get away with tricks like that?)

She took a long walk around the store looking at every item. "What does this do? Should I get this? If you were me, what would you choose?"
At one point she told me she was sorry for taking so long to choose.
"That's okay," I said. "You have a lot of things to choose from."
"So..then... you can understand why this is hard?"

She finally had it down to 3 choices and was making her decision, when she glanced up at the shelf and found her item.
"Mom, are you looking at what I'm looking at?" she said, her eyes all big with surprise. It was a spy kit, with a secret decoder, fingerprint dust, and special agent glasses. It doesn't get any cooler than that. She walked out of that store with the biggest smile on her face and told me I was the best mom in the world.

Now who said money can't buy happiness, ? ;)

We are looking forward to a long weekend spent with good friends, food, and hopefully a good fireworks show somewhere in there.
Wishing you all a fabulous holiday!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Late night monologue

Sweet babe is waking up for his gazillionth feeding of the day.
He is so precious laying here in my arms...but he smells a bit like aged cheese.

Little girls are sprawled out across their beds...exhausted from a long day of running here and there. Tia is sleeping with a purse shaped book she checked out from the library. It hasn't left her sight since 3 in the afternoon. J is slumbering soundly, in a position that is taking up the entire bed.
And all 4 of our pillows.

Visited a good friend this evening who is recovering from heart surgery. She sent us home with all of her non-heart healthy foods which are now on the dining room table tempting me. Late night cravings are kicking in.
All I want is one bite.

Just one...

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Ridiculously good looking.

How did we get so lucky?

Saturday, June 11, 2011


I have nothing clever or remotely interesting to blog about today.
But here are some pictures.

Thank you for your time.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day in the life

This photo shoot perfectly demonstrates the emotions that a woman (me) goes through on a typical postpartum day:

Oh for the's morning already?
I feel good today. Life is good.
We are so blessed. Aren't we so blessed?

WHY is life so DIFFICULT?

I really don't know how I'm feeling right now.

I have to go to the bathroom.


I JUST need a little SPACE!

Life is good. So blessed.

Friday, June 3, 2011

I don't know why they say babies get all the attention...

I mean, jeez.

p.s. Doesn't J look so handsome in green?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Go big or go home

Today this sweet child ...

was placed on the scale at the doctor's office. And this is what the doctor had to say:

"Whoa-Good GRIEF! (word has been changed) What on earth have you been feeding him?"
Then he put his hand on Ty's belly and said "Hellooo Mr. Piggy."

Yes he really did say that.

That would be because Mr. Piggy gained 3 pounds in 3 weeks. If you're not schooled in baby gaining patterns, usually infants are expected to gain a grand total of 1-2 pounds during their first month of life. Not a pound a week.
What does this mean for the future? Could this current 95th percentile status be an indicator of 'top of the charts' status throughout his whole life? I hope so.
The real question is, how do we turn this incredible rate of weight-gain into monetary gain for Jordan and I?
What. You know you'd be thinking it too.