Sunday, November 18, 2012

The superstar

She clocked in at an unbelievable 29 minutes.  
I am so proud of her.

Since every girl had to have an adult running buddy, I signed up to run with Hayley.  
Before the race, I said "I'm your running buddy, so stick with me, ok?"
"Ok!" she said.
2 seconds after we started, she took off through the mass crowd of runners with her friend, and I didn't see her for the rest of the race.
So I slow jogged/trotted next to another mom who was also ditched by her kid, and we chatted, until she started to tire out.  I tried to motivate her by saying the first mile is always the hardest...but she eventually dropped out of the race and left me solo.
Clearly, motivating is not my forte.
It was hard to feel competitive when I was surrounded by all these cute little girls.  Every time I passed one, I felt a little I slow jogged/trotted the rest of the way while I struggled to force my headphones to stay inside my tiny earholes. I may have the tiniest ear holes on this planet.

Tonight we attended a work event called the Blue Jeans ball.
Lots of food...lots of dancing.....lots of alcohol.
J asked the bartender what they had to drink that didn't include alcohol.  Next thing I know, he's carrying around a cup of cranberry juice.  :)
He was the perfect date. 
So glad I have a man who isn't afraid to shake it on the dance floor.