Don't take it personally, I keep telling myself. People in apartments come and go all the's not US.
Yeah right. That justification maybe works when one (MAYbe two) of your neigbors move out, but 4? No doubt about it....this is personal.
What IS it about us that would chase these people away? It couldn't possibly be the fact that we rise at 6:30 every morning, even on weekends to begin our day, or that most of these days begin with a crying baby, or a loud knock on our bedroom door.
Nothing to do with the fact that our 'fogless' mirror, unattaches itself from our shower about 3 times a week at random times making a colossal bang on our shower floor every time.
It couldn't be that my girls have absolutely zero trace of volume control and that even when they're right next to you they yell as if they are trying to reach someone in bloody Africa.
My kids' preferred form of recreation is jumping from furniture onto floor, so what?
And when Dad comes home from work (which is a loud event in itself) and starts wrestling with the girls, it ALWAYS leads to someone getting hurt, followed by loud, unrestrained crying.
Which then gets Mom yelling.
"Could you cry a little quieter please!!?"
I ran out of sympathy looooooong ago.
Recently at school Hayley and Tia have been learning about going to a trusted adult for help when they need it, and also about the private places on their bodies. We have reinforced this talk several times so they know what is appropriate and what is not. They know it. They understand it, and it has backfired on us more than once.
Both J and I at different times have stepped into the bathroom to get something while Tia was getting ready for her bath, or getting on the toilet and both times she yelled loud enough for the entire building to hear "DON'T LOOK AT MY PRIVATE PARTS!!!!!!"
Shhhhhhhh! Jeeeeeeeeez.
What these people must think of us.
Now we are getting a whole new batch of neighbors moving into the building. They will all get to know us very soon I'm sure. I will continue to not make eye contact with any one. And in a few months they will be gone too.
Haven't checked here in awhile... soo glad you are posting again!! Hey, at least YOU aren't moving to another apartment cause of neighbors ;) Hopefully you will get some good new ones, with maybe some little girls?!!?! Good Luck!!