Sunday, May 1, 2011

I thought this kind of thing only happened on tv..

Today Jordan and I were getting ready for church, trying DESperately to get to our 9:00 meeting on time (for once.) When he completed his bathroom routine, he put his 'supplies' back into the medicine cabinet and started heading out of the bathroom. In order to be efficient I decided rather than letting him all of the way out of the bathroom before I came in, I would just slide right passed him through the doorway, to begin my own pre-church bathroom routine.
No biggie. We do that sort of thing all the time.

The only thing is, I'm not usually 9 MONTHS PREGNANT.

We didn't quite make it passed each other this time.
Instead we got stuck right in the middle of the doorway, my belly (which was in the middle of a contraction at the time, and hard as a rock) pushed up against his, pinning him against the door frame with not a centimeter to budge.
(I can NOT contain my laughter as I'm typing this)
Neither of us had ever been in such a predicament before... so we just kind of stood there for a minute and exploded in laughter...
Then, I politely tilted my body to the side to allow him room to pass without further injury.
If there was ever something 'you had to have been there' to see...this was it.

As miserable as I feel/look right now, I'm going to miss being pregnant, if only because of situations like these.


  1. Hee! Hee! So excited for your little guy to come!

  2. Did you make it on time??

    Good luck! We are thinking about you and send our love!!

  3. baby yet?? That sounds so funny! When you are on the shorter side (I know from experience, not being rude) there is only one way for the baby to grow. OUT in front! Hope you had a great Sunday. xoxo

  4. My favorite thing was when I was at work and people were blocking the cubicle isles. I would have to say "excuse me" and they would barely scoot in. Once I accidently rubbed up against someone's back side cause they just wouldn't move. What was I supposed to do :)

  5. That's hilarious! I can totally relate- I was in the same shape not too many months ago. Hope things go well. (went well?) Can't wait to see pics!
