Tuesday, August 28, 2012


This morning I sent Hayley out to the van to grab her water bottle and she came back all excited about something ELSE she found in there.

I was totally speechless.
Who would DO this?

I had my suspicions, 

But it wasn't until I saw THESE hooked to the back of the van that the mystery was solved for sure.
There is only one household that I know of that has a Diet Dew Addict in it.
An addict who ALSO knows how to break into cars. 

When I confronted the suspect later, she caved and told me the whole story. 
 She had dressed herself in all BLACK to blend in with the night, and snuck out with her husband and one year old baby after the rest of her kids were all in bed.....
Husband broke into my car..while she wrote all over my windows.
They filled my van with balloons, tied cans....tied streamers..and then they hopped in their getaway car and sped home.
The funniest part of the whole story, is that THIS
was their getaway car:

I don't think they could have been more sneaky if they tried.  

You know your friends are TRUE friends when they are willing to break the law to wish you a
Happy Birthday.   
I will remember this one forever :)