Tuesday, January 24, 2012

You all know that I hate to brag,

so I'm NOT going to tell you about the most amazing day I had down here in Florida today, or about the beautiful resort in which we are currently residing, or that I just got back to my suite with wrinkly fingers and toes from sitting in the luxurious hot tub, which sits in the middle of a 'grove' of palm trees....which is like a total fantasy-come-true....until late into the night.

But I WILL tell you that J forced me to go on Space Mountain today at Disney World, and I screamed like a silly little girl the entire time. My girls were both on the same ride and they didn't make a peep.
I felt ridiculous,
and my throat is raw as heck.


  1. Screaming on rides is just part of the fun,so go all out and enjoy yourselves!
