For most of our married lives, J and I have lived far far away from family (far away as in like across the entire country.) We miss them always, and dream of a day where we will all be close together again...throwing parties for the holidays, bbq's in the summers, and playing games late into the night, just because we can.
As a result of there being so much distance between us, J and I have really learned to depend on each other, and to really value the good friends we have made over the years and in all the places we have been.
It is these friendships that have been on my mind lately..
I am so grateful for the friends who I haven't seen in years, but that still care to keep in share the news of their families, and who still have an interest in what is going on in our lives.
For the friends who are aware of my many flaws but love me still.
For those who forgive me when I forget important dates...(like birthdays)
I'm grateful for the friends that know me enough to know that I will hardly ever answer my phone...(because usually it's at the very bottom of my purse....on vibrate...or just lost), and will therefore email or facebook me their msg's instead.
For those who have traveled a really long way just to come visit :)
I love our camping buddies, our game night tennis competitors and my walking/crafting/thrift shopping/idea swapping partners.
I love the friends you can invite over to hang with you while you fold your laundry, and they're like "I'll be there in 5 minutes."
I'm grateful for the friends that have inspired me to want to be want to know more...
The friend that you can text and be like "I'm at the store, what did I come here for again?"
and they text back and say "baggies." That's the one you know will always have your back ;)
The friends that are as excited as you are when something great happens in your life.
The friends that pick up something for you at the goodwill because it made them think of you...
Those that make you smile or crack UP when you just think about them....that bring apples to the movie theater because they know that is your snack of choice...those that you can walk into their house and know exactly where to find the measuring cups, the kitchen shears, and the PAM. Those that no longer clean their house for you. That's the measure of a true friend.
I'm so thankful for those that are encouraging and uplifting, and that don't judge you when you have a few bad a row. Or weeks.
That make you feel like your pregnancy mustache isn't noticeable, your acne isn't that bad, and it's ok that you haven't washed your hair in 3 days.
The ones you can open your heart to, talk about anything with, and you know they GET you.
Each friend is unique, and has added to my life in such a different and significant way.
Love to the Amigas everywhere! (I feel like I need to do a fist pump with that) But seriously sending my love to you for real.
I feel like the luckiest lady ever.