Friday, February 10, 2012

9 months old

Unlike many other moms, I don't really keep track of my baby's monthly stats. I have no idea how much this kid weighs anymore. I don't know how tall he is. I don't know the day he started crawling for the first time, or the day his first, second, third or fourth tooth popped in.
And to be honest, I don't really care.
All I know is that he has brought more joy to our family than the 4 of us know what to do with,
and I thank my Father in Heaven every day for sending such a sweet little miracle into our home.

Had to add a few shots of his tongue sticking out. I've noticed he does this when he's focused and/or exploring.


  1. We both say "he's sooo cute!" And we think Hayley and Tia are both cute and totally awesome too. Just in case we haven't told you that before... Love you guys. Hope you're well. -Dustin and Ari

  2. I am relieved to know I am not the only Mom who doesn't kep track of stats as well. He is a handsome little guy and can only imagine the joy he is to you guys. Love and miss you!
