Friday, June 8, 2012

In training

I signed this cute little thing up for the Mud Run next week.  It's a 1.5 mile obstacle course race through the mud, and I am super jealous.
I wish it was me.

But since it's not, I have assigned myself to be her trainer.  

 And you all know I don't mess around.

This morning
She ran around the high school track.
She ran up and down the highschool bleachers.

She pushed a stroller loaded up with heavy weights.

All before 10 am


 After a while she said MOM this is so hard!  Can you push it?
That's when I chose to give her my very wise "When things get hard, just push harder" speech.
"We aren't quitters" and what not.

But I decided I could cut her break since I had pushed her all morning.
Tia was nice enough to let Hayley on the back of the double while she pushed the weighted stroller back to the car.
At the end of her workout she said, "Mom do I have any muscles yet?"
I told her that sometimes muscles take a few weeks to show up.
In some of our cases, muscles never actually make an appearance...but this isn't about me.

At the pool with some friends later on.

Wow did that water feel amazing.  

I think we're going to have to do this all over again tomorrow.

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