My daughter the artist. We got a letter in the mail that said Tia's art piece had been chosen to be displayed at the school art show. We were all excited and wondered which one of her pictures would have caught her art teacher's eye.
It was this one.
A big black bird with blood coming out of it's beak and behind.
I have a lot of questions about this...
but high five for getting it in the art show.
Whenever we are missing something, like dvd's or the remote, this is the first place we look. It's Ty's sneaky spot.
I wanted to see what he would do if I shut the cupboard a little bit while he was in there..
He didn't cry, but he high tailed it out of there so fast..
Today was the first day of summer vacation.
And what better way to spend it than shoe shopping.
Ty hated every pair I tried on him, however we did end up buying him some sandals.
We also splurged on a few items to help get us through the this.
And these.
The girls also caught a few dead bugs
And we hung out at 2 different parks.
By the end of the day, I was spent...and my kids were all like:
So I posted them "For Sale" on facebook.
(in hindsight, I should have gone through craigslist)
When J got home, I slipped on my pink Chinese slippers
and headed over to the clubhouse to sit in the hot tub and soak up the peace and silence.
Back at home, the girls were too scared to go upstairs and brush their teeth because the smoke alarm would periodically beep due to a very low battery.
My kids have a thing with noises.
So J risked his life by climbing up on the railing to disconnect the smoke alarm.
Now we all feel a little safer. ;)
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