Thursday, March 1, 2012

You know you're a stay at home mom when,

well maybe I should rephrase. You know you're a LAZY stay at home mom, when your child wants you to inspect their 'clean' room, and you tell them to go take a picture and bring the camera back to show you, so you don't have to get off the couch.

There, now it's out in the open.
I just had to laugh at today's episode, because this is the first picture they took of their 'clean' room.

Really? Did they really think this was clean?

"Guys!" I said (while still sitting on the couch, even though their room is literally 2 footsteps away) "This is so messy!" Then I started pointing out the details in the picture, and giving specific commands. They would do what I told them, and then they'd come back in and look at the next thing I was pointing to on the camera, and then back to their room to clean it up.

After they swore they had finished everything, I asked them to take another picture:
Better, but still random things on the floor. Pick them up please!

Here is another picture Hayley took. Again, I had to laugh because what did she expect me to say. Oh, that looks real nice. Good job?
I sent Tia back in to clean that area of the room, and Hayley took a picture of her a few minutes later READING A BOOK, not cleaning. (She gets sidetracked just like her mom) Busted.

And here was the last picture she took. I sent them back in to pick up the marker and the sock, and then we called it a day...because I was exhausted. ;)


  1. Love it. How brilliant. I'm totally doing that next time I get the energy to motivate the kids to clean their rooms.

  2. We always do that! The kids love using the camera for a "return and report". It motivates them. But, I swear, do they really NOT see all they stuff they leave on the floor? I guess they don't!Jeesh!

  3. Christina you are so funny. I got a good laugh out of this post, ecspecially Tia reading a book. My girls are very much the same way. I'm gonna try the camera thing, maybe it will be a motivator. Thanks for making me laugh!
